I’d like to think that the world becomes a better place one postcard at a time. An old-school way of showing people that I care.

All year long I gather postcards from random places for my art projects. I’m hunting in souvenir stores, museums, festivals, bars, my own mailbox… The best postcards always find me. Although people usually send vacation photos online, postcards are still available between standard touristy items. Postcards have also tried to adapt and merge with new media. Sometimes you can scan a QR code and watch a drone video. Or you can upload a photo and make your own postcard with the Swiss Post. Are smart postcards a way to go or are smart features just a small traffic jam on a road to oblivion? I would personally love to see postcards that move (Harry Potter style) or postcards that serve as travel tickets. A postcard can be a medium where you save your memories!

I have noticed a decrease in postcard availability in the past years. Especially in touristy places in Southern Europe. I get it, sending a postcard takes quite an effort – you need to figure out where to buy stamps, figure out which ones, write a short text and make sure there is no mistake in the address! Finding a mailbox can be quite challenging as well. For example, in South Africa. However, there was always a man at my hotel ready to help with anything. I asked him where the nearest mailbox was. He did not guide me there, he insisted on taking care of my mail on his own. I swallowed my pride and this time I outsourced a part of my postcard ritual. Somehow it hit me – hotels take care of your mail, it’s a regular service. Why have I never thought of that before? Well, sending postcards is a quest, not a chore.

Christmas postcards have almost disappeared from my world just like Christmas SMSes.

Since I used to send many postcards throughout the year, there was no need for anything special for Christmas. I changed my mind in December 2020. I survived my very first deep nasal swab and embarked on a journey from Barcelona to Slovakia to see my family. I was looking for a job, the world was temporarily out of service and people were also closing. Of course, nobody knew any further details on the “temporary” part of the story. Just like many people at that time, I found a great joy in unpacking cardboard boxes. There was a particular one waiting for me since I defended my PhD thesis in September. The box contained the greatest gift that a new optics doctor could wish for – a laser of course! To be specific, it had a machine consisting of a laser cutter, 3D printer and CNC. Not only that, I had to first build the machine myself, IKEA style. Enormous thanks to my parents!

My brother helped me build the machine and set it up. I have to admit that for a long time I had no idea how to use it. This was not an engineering problem; I simply did not feel very creative in covid times. An inspiration came in the last hours of the expiring year. Hoping for better times to come in the new year, I decided to laser cut 2021 in a stack of old postcards. I reflected on people who made my life special in 2020 and sent them a little thank you note. A new tradition was born.

Three years later and more friends currently have covid than back then in December 2020. The world is trying to forget that the pandemic ever happened. With a pinch of nostalgia, I recalled my first project on the laser cutter and picked a theme for this year’s postcards – STAY CONNECTED. A nice design challenge. My idea was to make something more than numbers 2024, so I created two logos with connected 24s. Do you know why 2s on the Chicago postcard are not really connected? 😀

Apart from the laser cut logos, I upgraded the back side of the postcards. I am currently in love with my new machine – a label maker! (♥ to my boyfriend) It’s not just an ordinary label maker, it can print my own designs, QR codes and many fancy frames.

The postcards were a lot more work this year than usual. But hey, here’s my message to you all, readers: Don’t forget about your rituals this holiday season.

I’ll say goodbye with a little poem:

Snehová kráľovná sa s vetrom už blíži,
nech vás všetkých cez sviatky zblíži.

Snowflakes are finally trembling in your hair,
let us stay connected in the new year!


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